Grounded Framework for Culturally Relevant and Responsive Music Teaching
The Framework for Culturally Relevant and Responsive Music Teaching (FCRRMT) contains four quadrants, (a) teacher competencies, (b) informed choices, (c) authenticity, and (d) holistic/comparative lessons.
Each component within the quadrants provides teachers with pathways toward enacting culturally relevant and responsive practices within music classroom settings.
For more information, download the Summer Seminar Handout.
"The emerging framework is anchored to Ladson-Billings (1995a,1995b) culturally relevant pedagogy pillars.
The arrows demonstrate directional process, whereas the circle demonstrates the cyclical and ongoing nature of the pedagogy.
Community involvement is included in the graphic as research findings have indicated that community involvement and connection is necessary" (Palmer et al., 2021, p. 5).